SAT Self Practice
Ignite ออกแบบเครื่องมือข้อสอบ Digital SAT เต็มรูปแบบ ที่จะช่วยให้น้องพัฒนาทักษะการสอบ Digital SAT ได้อย่างถูกจุดในเวลาจำกัด และเพิ่มความมั่นใจให้น้องด้วยตัวช่วยการจำลองสอบ Digital SAT ที่มี Adaptive Testing เสมือนจริง พร้อมวิเคราะห์ผลคะแนนตาม Content Domain
สมัครเรียนหรือสอบถามรายละเอียดเพิ่มเติมDigital SAT Self Practice มีอะไรบ้าง?
ฝึกทำโจทย์ Digital SAT แบบ Adaptive ได้ทุกที่ ทุกเวลา พร้อมเฉลยละเอียด
imock Digital SAT
การฝึกทำข้อสอบที่ให้ประสบการณ์สอบเสมือนจริง ผ่านระบบ imock ที่มี Automated adaptive พร้อมระบบ Score Analysis ประเมินจุดบกพร่องรายหัวข้อ
Digital SAT Workbook
E-book รวมชุดข้อสอบ Digital SAT ที่เป็นข้อสอบแบบ Adaptive testing ครบทั้ง 3 Modules พร้อมวิธีการประเมิน Module ของตัวเอง
Digital SAT Self Practice
Digital SAT Self Practice
ระบบการเตรียมตัวสอบที่จะช่วยให้น้องได้จำลองการสอบ Digital SAT ได้ทุกที่ ทุกเวลา พร้อมรับการวิเคราะห์คะแนนอย่างละเอียดตามในหัวเรื่องย่อย
Course Pack
รหัสชื่อคอร์สชั่วโมงชั่วโมง +20%ราคาผู้สอนรายละเอียดคอร์ส
น้องสามารถทดลองทำข้อสอบ Digital SAT บนระบบ imock เผื่อทดลองประสบการณ์สอบที่เสมือนจริงมากที่สุด
You will receive both the workbook and access to the tests on the imock system.
Digital SAT 4 Full-length Workbook (4 tests on workbook)
An e-book compiling Digital SAT Math test sets, covering all 3 modules, allowing you to practice questions of every type and level comprehensively before taking the simulated test on the imock system.
imock Digital SAT 4 Full-length (4 tests on imock)
The imock system is a digital SAT testing system that simulates real exams to give students the most realistic test experience. It comes with a score analysis system to help analyze areas needing improvement by topic.
This set, "Digital SAT Tests 1-4," includes 4 tests:
- Digital SAT Math and SAT R&W Test 1 (Math exam is the same as Ignite Digital SAT Math Mock Exam from Sep 2023, R&W exam is the same as Ignite Digital SAT R&W Mock Exam from Jul 2023)
- Digital SAT Math and SAT R&W Test 2 (Math exam is the same as Ignite Digital SAT Math Mock Exam from Apr 2023, R&W exam is the same as Ignite Digital SAT R&W Mock Exam from Sep 2023)
- Digital SAT Math and SAT R&W Test 3 (Math exam is the same as Ignite Digital SAT Math Mock Exam from Jul 2023, R&W exam is the same as Ignite Digital SAT R&W Mock Exam from Nov 2023)
- Digital SAT Math and SAT R&W Test 4 (Math exam is the same as Full Test 11 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, and May 2023)รายละเอียดคอร์ส
This set, "Digital SAT R&W Tests 1-4," includes:
Digital SAT R&W Test 1, Digital SAT R&W Test 2, Digital SAT R&W Test 3, and Digital SAT R&W Test 4
You will receive both the workbook and access to the tests on the imock system.
Digital SAT R&W 4 Full-length Workbook
An e-book compiling Digital SAT R&W test sets, covering all 3 modules, allowing you to practice questions of every type and level comprehensively before taking the simulated test on the imock system.
- E-book is available through the “Handbooq” application and can only be used on "only iPad systems".
- You will be able to use Handbooq within 3 business days after purchasing the product.
- If you take a screenshot, a watermark will appear, which cannot be removed.imock Digital SAT R&W 4 Full-length
The imock system is a digital SAT testing system that simulates real exams to give students the most realistic test experience. It comes with a score analysis system to help analyze areas needing improvement by topic.
Each exam set includes:
- Digital SAT exams with 2 modules per subject (Module 2 is adaptive based on ability)
- Detailed solutions by Ignite's academic team
- Each exam set can be taken up to 3 times for 6 monthsรายละเอียดคอร์ส
You will receive both the workbook and access to the tests on the imock system.
Digital SAT 8 Full-length Workbook (8 Math tests on workbook)
An e-book compiling Digital SAT Math test sets, covering all 3 modules, allowing you to practice questions of every type and level comprehensively before taking the simulated test on the imock system.
imock Digital SAT 8 Full-length (8 Math tests on imock)
The imock system is a digital SAT testing system that simulates real exams to give students the most realistic test experience. It comes with a score analysis system to help analyze areas needing improvement by topic.
This set, "Digital SAT Math Tests 1-8," includes:
- Digital SAT Math Test 1 (Exam is the same as Ignite Digital SAT Math Mock Exam from Feb 2023)
- Digital SAT Math Test 2 (Exam is the same as Full Test 1 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, May 2023)
- Digital SAT Math Test 3 (Exam is the same as Full Test 2 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, May 2023)
- Digital SAT Math Test 4 (Exam is the same as Full Test 4 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, May 2023)
- Digital SAT Math Test 5 (Exam is the same as Full Test 5 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, May 2023)
- Digital SAT Math Test 6 (Exam is the same as Full Test 6 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, May 2023)
- Digital SAT Math Test 7 (Exam is the same as Full Test 7 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, May 2023)
- Digital SAT Math Test 8 (Exam is the same as Full Test 10 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, May 2023)รายละเอียดคอร์ส
This set, "iMock Digital SAT Math Tests 1-4," includes:
- iMock Digital SAT Math Test 1 (Exam is the same as Ignite Digital SAT Math Mock Exam from Feb 2023)
- iMock Digital SAT Math Test 2 (Exam is the same as Full Test 1 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, May 2023)
- iMock Digital SAT Math Test 3 (Exam is the same as Full Test 2 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, May 2023)
- iMock Digital SAT Math Test 4 (Exam is the same as Full Test 4 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, May 2023)Each exam set includes:
- Digital SAT exams with 2 modules per subject (Module 2 is adaptive based on ability)
- Detailed solutions by Ignite's academic team
- Each exam set can be taken up to 3 times for 6 monthsรายละเอียดคอร์ส
This set, "iMock Digital SAT Math Tests 5 - 8," includes:
- iMock Digital SAT Math Test 5 (Exam is the same as Full Test 5 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, May 2023)
- iMock Digital SAT Math Test 6 (Exam is the same as Full Test 6 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, May 2023)
- iMock Digital SAT Math Test 7 (Exam is the same as Full Test 7 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, May 2023)
- iMock Digital SAT Math Test 8 (Exam is the same as Full Test 10 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, May 2023)Each exam set includes:
- Digital SAT exams with 2 modules per subject (Module 2 is adaptive based on ability)
- Detailed solutions by Ignite's academic team
- Each exam set can be taken up to 3 times for 6 monthsรายละเอียดคอร์ส
This set, includes:
iMock Digital SAT R&W Test 1
iMock Digital SAT R&W Test 2
iMock Digital SAT R&W Test 3
iMock Digital SAT R&W Test 4
The iMock system includes adaptive testing, which automatically selects the Module 2 exam set based on the student's score in Module 1. It also features an interface similar to the real exam system to help students become accustomed to it while practicing on their own. Additionally, it includes a Score Analysis system that provides in-depth score analysis after completing the full exam set.
The Score Analysis includes analysis of major and minor topics in each section that are still weaknesses for the student, allowing them to see their weaknesses in detail and work on them before the exam. Detailed solutions are also provided, allowing students to read and understand the questions they got wrong.รายละเอียดคอร์ส
This set, "iMock Digital SAT Math and SAT R&W Tests 1-4," includes:
- iMock Digital SAT Math and SAT R&W Test 1 (Math exam is the same as Ignite Digital SAT Math Mock Exam from Sep 2023, R&W exam is the same as Ignite Digital SAT R&W Mock Exam from Jul 2023)
- iMock Digital SAT Math and SAT R&W Test 2 (Math exam is the same as Ignite Digital SAT Math Mock Exam from Apr 2023, R&W exam is the same as Ignite Digital SAT R&W Mock Exam from Sep 2023)
- iMock Digital SAT Math and SAT R&W Test 3 (Math exam is the same as Ignite Digital SAT Math Mock Exam from Jul 2023, R&W exam is the same as Ignite Digital SAT R&W Mock Exam from Nov 2023)
- iMock Digital SAT Math and SAT R&W Test 4 (Math exam is the same as Full Test 11 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, and May 2023)Each exam set includes:
- Digital SAT exams with 2 modules per subject (Module 2 is adaptive based on ability)
- Detailed solutions by Ignite's academic team
- Each exam set can be taken up to 3 times for 6 months-
ทดลองใช้งาน imockราคา-รหัส0000ชั่วโมง-ชั่วโมง +20%-ผู้สอน-รายละเอียดคอร์ส
น้องสามารถทดลองทำข้อสอบ Digital SAT บนระบบ imock เผื่อทดลองประสบการณ์สอบที่เสมือนจริงมากที่สุด
*น้องสามารถทดลองระบบได้คนละครั้งเท่านั้น -
Digital SAT 4 Full-Length Complete Pack HOTราคา4,290รหัสDSHB5165ชั่วโมงชั่วโมง +20%-ผู้สอนIgnite Academic Teamรายละเอียดคอร์ส
You will receive both the workbook and access to the tests on the imock system.
Digital SAT 4 Full-length Workbook (4 tests on workbook)
An e-book compiling Digital SAT Math test sets, covering all 3 modules, allowing you to practice questions of every type and level comprehensively before taking the simulated test on the imock system.
imock Digital SAT 4 Full-length (4 tests on imock)
The imock system is a digital SAT testing system that simulates real exams to give students the most realistic test experience. It comes with a score analysis system to help analyze areas needing improvement by topic.
This set, "Digital SAT Tests 1-4," includes 4 tests:
- Digital SAT Math and SAT R&W Test 1 (Math exam is the same as Ignite Digital SAT Math Mock Exam from Sep 2023, R&W exam is the same as Ignite Digital SAT R&W Mock Exam from Jul 2023)
- Digital SAT Math and SAT R&W Test 2 (Math exam is the same as Ignite Digital SAT Math Mock Exam from Apr 2023, R&W exam is the same as Ignite Digital SAT R&W Mock Exam from Sep 2023)
- Digital SAT Math and SAT R&W Test 3 (Math exam is the same as Ignite Digital SAT Math Mock Exam from Jul 2023, R&W exam is the same as Ignite Digital SAT R&W Mock Exam from Nov 2023)
- Digital SAT Math and SAT R&W Test 4 (Math exam is the same as Full Test 11 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, and May 2023) -
Digital SAT R&W 4 Full-length Complete Packราคา3,250รหัสDSHB5168ชั่วโมงชั่วโมง +20%-ผู้สอนIgnite Academic Teamรายละเอียดคอร์ส
This set, "Digital SAT R&W Tests 1-4," includes:
Digital SAT R&W Test 1, Digital SAT R&W Test 2, Digital SAT R&W Test 3, and Digital SAT R&W Test 4
You will receive both the workbook and access to the tests on the imock system.
Digital SAT R&W 4 Full-length Workbook
An e-book compiling Digital SAT R&W test sets, covering all 3 modules, allowing you to practice questions of every type and level comprehensively before taking the simulated test on the imock system.
- E-book is available through the “Handbooq” application and can only be used on "only iPad systems".
- You will be able to use Handbooq within 3 business days after purchasing the product.
- If you take a screenshot, a watermark will appear, which cannot be removed.imock Digital SAT R&W 4 Full-length
The imock system is a digital SAT testing system that simulates real exams to give students the most realistic test experience. It comes with a score analysis system to help analyze areas needing improvement by topic.
Each exam set includes:
- Digital SAT exams with 2 modules per subject (Module 2 is adaptive based on ability)
- Detailed solutions by Ignite's academic team
- Each exam set can be taken up to 3 times for 6 months -
Digital SAT Math 8 Full-Length Complete Pack HOTราคา4,600รหัสDSHB5162ชั่วโมงชั่วโมง +20%-ผู้สอนIgnite Academic Teamรายละเอียดคอร์ส
You will receive both the workbook and access to the tests on the imock system.
Digital SAT 8 Full-length Workbook (8 Math tests on workbook)
An e-book compiling Digital SAT Math test sets, covering all 3 modules, allowing you to practice questions of every type and level comprehensively before taking the simulated test on the imock system.
imock Digital SAT 8 Full-length (8 Math tests on imock)
The imock system is a digital SAT testing system that simulates real exams to give students the most realistic test experience. It comes with a score analysis system to help analyze areas needing improvement by topic.
This set, "Digital SAT Math Tests 1-8," includes:
- Digital SAT Math Test 1 (Exam is the same as Ignite Digital SAT Math Mock Exam from Feb 2023)
- Digital SAT Math Test 2 (Exam is the same as Full Test 1 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, May 2023)
- Digital SAT Math Test 3 (Exam is the same as Full Test 2 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, May 2023)
- Digital SAT Math Test 4 (Exam is the same as Full Test 4 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, May 2023)
- Digital SAT Math Test 5 (Exam is the same as Full Test 5 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, May 2023)
- Digital SAT Math Test 6 (Exam is the same as Full Test 6 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, May 2023)
- Digital SAT Math Test 7 (Exam is the same as Full Test 7 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, May 2023)
- Digital SAT Math Test 8 (Exam is the same as Full Test 10 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, May 2023) -
Set: imock Digital SAT Math Tests 1 - 4ราคา2,500 3,160รหัสIGCP0013ชั่วโมง6 Monthsชั่วโมง +20%ผู้สอนIgnite Academic Teamรายละเอียดคอร์ส
This set, "iMock Digital SAT Math Tests 1-4," includes:
- iMock Digital SAT Math Test 1 (Exam is the same as Ignite Digital SAT Math Mock Exam from Feb 2023)
- iMock Digital SAT Math Test 2 (Exam is the same as Full Test 1 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, May 2023)
- iMock Digital SAT Math Test 3 (Exam is the same as Full Test 2 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, May 2023)
- iMock Digital SAT Math Test 4 (Exam is the same as Full Test 4 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, May 2023)Each exam set includes:
- Digital SAT exams with 2 modules per subject (Module 2 is adaptive based on ability)
- Detailed solutions by Ignite's academic team
- Each exam set can be taken up to 3 times for 6 months -
Set: imock Digital SAT Math Tests 5 - 8ราคา2,500 3,160รหัสIGCP0014ชั่วโมง6 Monthsชั่วโมง +20%ผู้สอนIgnite Academic Teamรายละเอียดคอร์ส
This set, "iMock Digital SAT Math Tests 5 - 8," includes:
- iMock Digital SAT Math Test 5 (Exam is the same as Full Test 5 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, May 2023)
- iMock Digital SAT Math Test 6 (Exam is the same as Full Test 6 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, May 2023)
- iMock Digital SAT Math Test 7 (Exam is the same as Full Test 7 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, May 2023)
- iMock Digital SAT Math Test 8 (Exam is the same as Full Test 10 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, May 2023)Each exam set includes:
- Digital SAT exams with 2 modules per subject (Module 2 is adaptive based on ability)
- Detailed solutions by Ignite's academic team
- Each exam set can be taken up to 3 times for 6 months -
Set: imock Digital SAT R&W Tests 1 - 4ราคา2,500รหัสIGCP0016ชั่วโมง6 Monthsชั่วโมง +20%-ผู้สอนIgnite Academic Teamรายละเอียดคอร์ส
This set, includes:
iMock Digital SAT R&W Test 1
iMock Digital SAT R&W Test 2
iMock Digital SAT R&W Test 3
iMock Digital SAT R&W Test 4
The iMock system includes adaptive testing, which automatically selects the Module 2 exam set based on the student's score in Module 1. It also features an interface similar to the real exam system to help students become accustomed to it while practicing on their own. Additionally, it includes a Score Analysis system that provides in-depth score analysis after completing the full exam set.
The Score Analysis includes analysis of major and minor topics in each section that are still weaknesses for the student, allowing them to see their weaknesses in detail and work on them before the exam. Detailed solutions are also provided, allowing students to read and understand the questions they got wrong. -
Set: imock Digital SAT Tests 1 - 4ราคา3,500 5,000รหัสIGCP0015ชั่วโมง6 Monthsชั่วโมง +20%ผู้สอนIgnite Academic Teamรายละเอียดคอร์ส
This set, "iMock Digital SAT Math and SAT R&W Tests 1-4," includes:
- iMock Digital SAT Math and SAT R&W Test 1 (Math exam is the same as Ignite Digital SAT Math Mock Exam from Sep 2023, R&W exam is the same as Ignite Digital SAT R&W Mock Exam from Jul 2023)
- iMock Digital SAT Math and SAT R&W Test 2 (Math exam is the same as Ignite Digital SAT Math Mock Exam from Apr 2023, R&W exam is the same as Ignite Digital SAT R&W Mock Exam from Sep 2023)
- iMock Digital SAT Math and SAT R&W Test 3 (Math exam is the same as Ignite Digital SAT Math Mock Exam from Jul 2023, R&W exam is the same as Ignite Digital SAT R&W Mock Exam from Nov 2023)
- iMock Digital SAT Math and SAT R&W Test 4 (Math exam is the same as Full Test 11 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, and May 2023)Each exam set includes:
- Digital SAT exams with 2 modules per subject (Module 2 is adaptive based on ability)
- Detailed solutions by Ignite's academic team
- Each exam set can be taken up to 3 times for 6 months
Regular course
รหัสชื่อคอร์สชั่วโมงชั่วโมง +20%ราคาผู้สอนรายละเอียดคอร์ส
An e-book compiling Digital SAT Math test sets, covering all 3 modules, allowing you to practice questions of every type and level comprehensively before taking the simulated test on the imock system.
- E-book is available through the “Handbooq” application and can only be used on iOS and iPad systems.
- You will be able to use Handbooq within 3 business days after purchasing the product.
- If you take a screenshot, a watermark will appear, which cannot be removed.This set, "Digital SAT Tests 1-4," includes 4 tests:
- Digital SAT Math and SAT R&W Test 1 (Math exam is the same as Ignite Digital SAT Math Mock Exam from Sep 2023, R&W exam is the same as Ignite Digital SAT R&W Mock Exam from Jul 2023)
- Digital SAT Math and SAT R&W Test 2 (Math exam is the same as Ignite Digital SAT Math Mock Exam from Apr 2023, R&W exam is the same as Ignite Digital SAT R&W Mock Exam from Sep 2023)
- Digital SAT Math and SAT R&W Test 3 (Math exam is the same as Ignite Digital SAT Math Mock Exam from Jul 2023, R&W exam is the same as Ignite Digital SAT R&W Mock Exam from Nov 2023)
- Digital SAT Math and SAT R&W Test 4 (Math exam is the same as Full Test 11 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, and May 2023)รายละเอียดคอร์ส
Suitable for all students who have a complete foundation in Digital SAT R&W content and want to practice more questions to improve their scores.
Students who want to tackle new questions that they have never seen before.
Students who want to practice taking exams through a virtual system to build familiarity.Course Details:
An E-book that compiles Digital SAT R&W practice tests, with the format adjusted to be fully digital. It covers all relevant testing points and includes Adaptive testing questions across all three modules. Readers can practice Adaptive questions by scoring against set criteria to become familiar with the exam format.
The book includes:
- Four sets of Digital SAT R&W practice tests, each with three modules.
- An introduction to Digital SAT R&W and various tips for taking the exam.
- Detailed solutions for all four sets of tests.*The book is available through the “Handbooq” application and can only be used on an iPad.
** Caution: If you take a screenshot, a watermark will appear, and it cannot be removed.รายละเอียดคอร์ส
An e-book compiling Digital SAT Math test sets, covering all 3 modules, allowing you to practice questions of every type and level comprehensively before taking the simulated test on the imock system.
- E-book is available through the “Handbooq” application and can only be used on iOS and iPad systems.
- You will be able to use Handbooq within 3 business days after purchasing the product.
- If you take a screenshot, a watermark will appear, which cannot be removed.This set, "Digital SAT Math Tests 1-8," includes:
- Digital SAT Math Test 1 (Exam is the same as Ignite Digital SAT Math Mock Exam from Feb 2023)
- Digital SAT Math Test 2 (Exam is the same as Full Test 1 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, May 2023)
- Digital SAT Math Test 3 (Exam is the same as Full Test 2 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, May 2023)
- Digital SAT Math Test 4 (Exam is the same as Full Test 4 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, May 2023)
- Digital SAT Math Test 5 (Exam is the same as Full Test 5 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, May 2023)
- Digital SAT Math Test 6 (Exam is the same as Full Test 6 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, May 2023)
- Digital SAT Math Test 7 (Exam is the same as Full Test 7 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, May 2023)
- Digital SAT Math Test 8 (Exam is the same as Full Test 10 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, May 2023)รายละเอียดคอร์ส
iMock is a Digital SAT exam simulation system from Ignite that includes timing during the exam and comprehensive features that mimic the real exam, allowing students to become familiar with the exam system as if they were in the real testing environment. It also helps them practice time management since the Digital SAT is a speed test.
The iMock system includes adaptive testing, which automatically selects the Module 2 exam set based on the student's score in Module 1. It also features an interface similar to the real exam system to help students become accustomed to it while practicing on their own. Additionally, it includes a Score Analysis system that provides in-depth score analysis after completing the full exam set.
The Score Analysis includes analysis of major and minor topics in each section that are still weaknesses for the student, allowing them to see their weaknesses in detail and work on them before the exam. Detailed solutions are also provided, allowing students to read and understand the questions they got wrong.
Each exam set includes:
- Digital SAT Math exams with 2 modules (Module 2 is adaptive based on ability)
- Detailed solutions by Ignite's Math academic team
- Each exam set can be taken up to 3 times for 6 monthsNote: The exam is the same as Ignite Digital SAT Math Mock Exam, Feb 2023
iMock is a Digital SAT exam simulation system from Ignite that includes timing during the exam and comprehensive features that mimic the real exam, allowing students to become familiar with the exam system as if they were in the real testing environment. It also helps them practice time management since the Digital SAT is a speed test.
The iMock system includes adaptive testing, which automatically selects the Module 2 exam set based on the student's score in Module 1. It also features an interface similar to the real exam system to help students become accustomed to it while practicing on their own. Additionally, it includes a Score Analysis system that provides in-depth score analysis after completing the full exam set.
The Score Analysis includes analysis of major and minor topics in each section that are still weaknesses for the student, allowing them to see their weaknesses in detail and work on them before the exam. Detailed solutions are also provided, allowing students to read and understand the questions they got wrong.
Each exam set includes:
- Digital SAT Math exams with 2 modules (Module 2 is adaptive based on ability)
- Detailed solutions by Ignite's Math academic team
- Each exam set can be taken up to 3 times for 6 monthsNote: The exam is the same as Full Test 1 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from February, April, and May 2023.
iMock is a Digital SAT exam simulation system from Ignite that includes timing during the exam and comprehensive features that mimic the real exam, allowing students to become familiar with the exam system as if they were in the real testing environment. It also helps them practice time management since the Digital SAT is a speed test.
The iMock system includes adaptive testing, which automatically selects the Module 2 exam set based on the student's score in Module 1. It also features an interface similar to the real exam system to help students become accustomed to it while practicing on their own. Additionally, it includes a Score Analysis system that provides in-depth score analysis after completing the full exam set.
The Score Analysis includes analysis of major and minor topics in each section that are still weaknesses for the student, allowing them to see their weaknesses in detail and work on them before the exam. Detailed solutions are also provided, allowing students to read and understand the questions they got wrong.
Each exam set includes:
- Digital SAT Math exams with 2 modules (Module 2 is adaptive based on ability)
- Detailed solutions by Ignite's Math academic team
- Each exam set can be taken up to 3 times for 6 monthsNote: The exam is the same as Full Test 2 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from February, April, and May 2023.
iMock is a Digital SAT exam simulation system from Ignite that includes timing during the exam and comprehensive features that mimic the real exam, allowing students to become familiar with the exam system as if they were in the real testing environment. It also helps them practice time management since the Digital SAT is a speed test.
The iMock system includes adaptive testing, which automatically selects the Module 2 exam set based on the student's score in Module 1. It also features an interface similar to the real exam system to help students become accustomed to it while practicing on their own. Additionally, it includes a Score Analysis system that provides in-depth score analysis after completing the full exam set.
The Score Analysis includes analysis of major and minor topics in each section that are still weaknesses for the student, allowing them to see their weaknesses in detail and work on them before the exam. Detailed solutions are also provided, allowing students to read and understand the questions they got wrong.
Each exam set includes:
- Digital SAT Math exams with 2 modules (Module 2 is adaptive based on ability)
- Detailed solutions by Ignite's Math academic team
- Each exam set can be taken up to 3 times for 6 monthsNote: The exam is the same as Full Test 4 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from February, April, and May 2023.
iMock is a Digital SAT exam simulation system from Ignite that includes timing during the exam and comprehensive features that mimic the real exam, allowing students to become familiar with the exam system as if they were in the real testing environment. It also helps them practice time management since the Digital SAT is a speed test.
The iMock system includes adaptive testing, which automatically selects the Module 2 exam set based on the student's score in Module 1. It also features an interface similar to the real exam system to help students become accustomed to it while practicing on their own. Additionally, it includes a Score Analysis system that provides in-depth score analysis after completing the full exam set.
The Score Analysis includes analysis of major and minor topics in each section that are still weaknesses for the student, allowing them to see their weaknesses in detail and work on them before the exam. Detailed solutions are also provided, allowing students to read and understand the questions they got wrong.
Each exam set includes:
- Digital SAT Math exams with 2 modules (Module 2 is adaptive based on ability)
- Detailed solutions by Ignite's Math academic team
- Each exam set can be taken up to 3 times for 6 monthsNote: The exam is the same as Full Test 5 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from February, April, and May 2023.
iMock is a Digital SAT exam simulation system from Ignite that includes timing during the exam and comprehensive features that mimic the real exam, allowing students to become familiar with the exam system as if they were in the real testing environment. It also helps them practice time management since the Digital SAT is a speed test.
The iMock system includes adaptive testing, which automatically selects the Module 2 exam set based on the student's score in Module 1. It also features an interface similar to the real exam system to help students become accustomed to it while practicing on their own. Additionally, it includes a Score Analysis system that provides in-depth score analysis after completing the full exam set.
The Score Analysis includes analysis of major and minor topics in each section that are still weaknesses for the student, allowing them to see their weaknesses in detail and work on them before the exam. Detailed solutions are also provided, allowing students to read and understand the questions they got wrong.
Each exam set includes:
- Digital SAT Math exams with 2 modules (Module 2 is adaptive based on ability)
- Detailed solutions by Ignite's Math academic team
- Each exam set can be taken up to 3 times for 6 monthsNote: The exam is the same as Full Test 6 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from February, April, and May 2023.
iMock is a Digital SAT exam simulation system from Ignite that includes timing during the exam and comprehensive features that mimic the real exam, allowing students to become familiar with the exam system as if they were in the real testing environment. It also helps them practice time management since the Digital SAT is a speed test.
The iMock system includes adaptive testing, which automatically selects the Module 2 exam set based on the student's score in Module 1. It also features an interface similar to the real exam system to help students become accustomed to it while practicing on their own. Additionally, it includes a Score Analysis system that provides in-depth score analysis after completing the full exam set.
The Score Analysis includes analysis of major and minor topics in each section that are still weaknesses for the student, allowing them to see their weaknesses in detail and work on them before the exam. Detailed solutions are also provided, allowing students to read and understand the questions they got wrong.
Each exam set includes:
- Digital SAT Math exams with 2 modules (Module 2 is adaptive based on ability)
- Detailed solutions by Ignite's Math academic team
- Each exam set can be taken up to 3 times for 6 monthsNote: The exam is the same as Full Test 7 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from February, April, and May 2023.
iMock is a Digital SAT exam simulation system from Ignite that includes timing during the exam and comprehensive features that mimic the real exam, allowing students to become familiar with the exam system as if they were in the real testing environment. It also helps them practice time management since the Digital SAT is a speed test.
The iMock system includes adaptive testing, which automatically selects the Module 2 exam set based on the student's score in Module 1. It also features an interface similar to the real exam system to help students become accustomed to it while practicing on their own. Additionally, it includes a Score Analysis system that provides in-depth score analysis after completing the full exam set.
The Score Analysis includes analysis of major and minor topics in each section that are still weaknesses for the student, allowing them to see their weaknesses in detail and work on them before the exam. Detailed solutions are also provided, allowing students to read and understand the questions they got wrong.
Each exam set includes:
- Digital SAT Math exams with 2 modules (Module 2 is adaptive based on ability)
- Detailed solutions by Ignite's Math academic team
- Each exam set can be taken up to 3 times for 6 monthsNote: The exam is the same as Full Test 10 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from February, April, and May 2023
iMock is a Digital SAT exam simulation system from Ignite that includes timing during the exam and comprehensive features that mimic the real exam, allowing students to become familiar with the exam system as if they were in the real testing environment. It also helps them practice time management since the Digital SAT is a speed test.
The iMock system includes adaptive testing, which automatically selects the Module 2 exam set based on the student's score in Module 1. It also features an interface similar to the real exam system to help students become accustomed to it while practicing on their own. Additionally, it includes a Score Analysis system that provides in-depth score analysis after completing the full exam set.
The Score Analysis includes analysis of major and minor topics in each section that are still weaknesses for the student, allowing them to see their weaknesses in detail and work on them before the exam. Detailed solutions are also provided, allowing students to read and understand the questions they got wrong.
Each exam set includes:
- A full set of Digital SAT exams with 2 modules per subject (Module 2 is adaptive based on ability)
- Detailed solutions by Ignite's academic team
- Each exam set can be taken up to 3 times for 6 monthsNote: The Math exam is the same as the Ignite Digital SAT Math Mock Exam from September 2023 and The R&W exam is the same as the Ignite Digital SAT R&W Mock Exam from July 2023
iMock is a Digital SAT exam simulation system from Ignite that includes timing during the exam and comprehensive features that mimic the real exam, allowing students to become familiar with the exam system as if they were in the real testing environment. It also helps them practice time management since the Digital SAT is a speed test.
The iMock system includes adaptive testing, which automatically selects the Module 2 exam set based on the student's score in Module 1. It also features an interface similar to the real exam system to help students become accustomed to it while practicing on their own. Additionally, it includes a Score Analysis system that provides in-depth score analysis after completing the full exam set.
The Score Analysis includes analysis of major and minor topics in each section that are still weaknesses for the student, allowing them to see their weaknesses in detail and work on them before the exam. Detailed solutions are also provided, allowing students to read and understand the questions they got wrong.
Each exam set includes:
- A full set of Digital SAT exams with 2 modules per subject (Module 2 is adaptive based on ability)
- Detailed solutions by Ignite's academic team
- Each exam set can be taken up to 3 times for 6 monthsNote: The Math exam is the same as the Ignite Digital SAT Math Mock Exam from April 2023 and The R&W exam is the same as the Ignite Digital SAT R&W Mock Exam from September 2023
iMock is a Digital SAT exam simulation system from Ignite that includes timing during the exam and comprehensive features that mimic the real exam, allowing students to become familiar with the exam system as if they were in the real testing environment. It also helps them practice time management since the Digital SAT is a speed test.
The iMock system includes adaptive testing, which automatically selects the Module 2 exam set based on the student's score in Module 1. It also features an interface similar to the real exam system to help students become accustomed to it while practicing on their own. Additionally, it includes a Score Analysis system that provides in-depth score analysis after completing the full exam set.
The Score Analysis includes analysis of major and minor topics in each section that are still weaknesses for the student, allowing them to see their weaknesses in detail and work on them before the exam. Detailed solutions are also provided, allowing students to read and understand the questions they got wrong.
Each exam set includes:
- A full set of Digital SAT exams with 2 modules per subject (Module 2 is adaptive based on ability)
- Detailed solutions by Ignite's academic team
- Each exam set can be taken up to 3 times for 6 monthsNote: The Math exam is the same as the Ignite Digital SAT Math Mock Exam from July 2023 and The R&W exam is the same as the Ignite Digital SAT R&W Mock Exam from November 2023
iMock is a Digital SAT exam simulation system from Ignite that includes timing during the exam and comprehensive features that mimic the real exam, allowing students to become familiar with the exam system as if they were in the real testing environment. It also helps them practice time management since the Digital SAT is a speed test.
The iMock system includes adaptive testing, which automatically selects the Module 2 exam set based on the student's score in Module 1. It also features an interface similar to the real exam system to help students become accustomed to it while practicing on their own. Additionally, it includes a Score Analysis system that provides in-depth score analysis after completing the full exam set.
The Score Analysis includes analysis of major and minor topics in each section that are still weaknesses for the student, allowing them to see their weaknesses in detail and work on them before the exam. Detailed solutions are also provided, allowing students to read and understand the questions they got wrong.
Each exam set includes:
- A full set of Digital SAT exams with 2 modules per subject (Module 2 is adaptive based on ability)
- Detailed solutions by Ignite's academic team
- Each exam set can be taken up to 3 times for 6 monthsNote: The Math exam is the same as Full Test 11 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from February, April, and May 2023.
Digital SAT 4 Full-Length Workbookราคา2,100รหัสDSHB5164ชั่วโมง-ชั่วโมง +20%-ผู้สอนIgnite Academic Teamรายละเอียดคอร์ส
An e-book compiling Digital SAT Math test sets, covering all 3 modules, allowing you to practice questions of every type and level comprehensively before taking the simulated test on the imock system.
- E-book is available through the “Handbooq” application and can only be used on iOS and iPad systems.
- You will be able to use Handbooq within 3 business days after purchasing the product.
- If you take a screenshot, a watermark will appear, which cannot be removed.This set, "Digital SAT Tests 1-4," includes 4 tests:
- Digital SAT Math and SAT R&W Test 1 (Math exam is the same as Ignite Digital SAT Math Mock Exam from Sep 2023, R&W exam is the same as Ignite Digital SAT R&W Mock Exam from Jul 2023)
- Digital SAT Math and SAT R&W Test 2 (Math exam is the same as Ignite Digital SAT Math Mock Exam from Apr 2023, R&W exam is the same as Ignite Digital SAT R&W Mock Exam from Sep 2023)
- Digital SAT Math and SAT R&W Test 3 (Math exam is the same as Ignite Digital SAT Math Mock Exam from Jul 2023, R&W exam is the same as Ignite Digital SAT R&W Mock Exam from Nov 2023)
- Digital SAT Math and SAT R&W Test 4 (Math exam is the same as Full Test 11 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, and May 2023) -
Digital SAT R&W 4 Full-length Workbookราคา1,500รหัสDSHB5167ชั่วโมง-ชั่วโมง +20%-ผู้สอนIgnite Academic Teamรายละเอียดคอร์ส
Suitable for all students who have a complete foundation in Digital SAT R&W content and want to practice more questions to improve their scores.
Students who want to tackle new questions that they have never seen before.
Students who want to practice taking exams through a virtual system to build familiarity.Course Details:
An E-book that compiles Digital SAT R&W practice tests, with the format adjusted to be fully digital. It covers all relevant testing points and includes Adaptive testing questions across all three modules. Readers can practice Adaptive questions by scoring against set criteria to become familiar with the exam format.
The book includes:
- Four sets of Digital SAT R&W practice tests, each with three modules.
- An introduction to Digital SAT R&W and various tips for taking the exam.
- Detailed solutions for all four sets of tests.*The book is available through the “Handbooq” application and can only be used on an iPad.
** Caution: If you take a screenshot, a watermark will appear, and it cannot be removed. -
Digital SAT Math 8 Full-Length Workbookราคา2,400รหัสDSHB5161ชั่วโมง-ชั่วโมง +20%-ผู้สอนIgnite Academic Teamรายละเอียดคอร์ส
An e-book compiling Digital SAT Math test sets, covering all 3 modules, allowing you to practice questions of every type and level comprehensively before taking the simulated test on the imock system.
- E-book is available through the “Handbooq” application and can only be used on iOS and iPad systems.
- You will be able to use Handbooq within 3 business days after purchasing the product.
- If you take a screenshot, a watermark will appear, which cannot be removed.This set, "Digital SAT Math Tests 1-8," includes:
- Digital SAT Math Test 1 (Exam is the same as Ignite Digital SAT Math Mock Exam from Feb 2023)
- Digital SAT Math Test 2 (Exam is the same as Full Test 1 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, May 2023)
- Digital SAT Math Test 3 (Exam is the same as Full Test 2 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, May 2023)
- Digital SAT Math Test 4 (Exam is the same as Full Test 4 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, May 2023)
- Digital SAT Math Test 5 (Exam is the same as Full Test 5 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, May 2023)
- Digital SAT Math Test 6 (Exam is the same as Full Test 6 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, May 2023)
- Digital SAT Math Test 7 (Exam is the same as Full Test 7 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, May 2023)
- Digital SAT Math Test 8 (Exam is the same as Full Test 10 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from Feb, Apr, May 2023) -
imock Digital SAT Math ชุดที่ 1ราคา790รหัสIGCP0001ชั่วโมง-ชั่วโมง +20%-ผู้สอนIgnite Academic Teamรายละเอียดคอร์ส
iMock is a Digital SAT exam simulation system from Ignite that includes timing during the exam and comprehensive features that mimic the real exam, allowing students to become familiar with the exam system as if they were in the real testing environment. It also helps them practice time management since the Digital SAT is a speed test.
The iMock system includes adaptive testing, which automatically selects the Module 2 exam set based on the student's score in Module 1. It also features an interface similar to the real exam system to help students become accustomed to it while practicing on their own. Additionally, it includes a Score Analysis system that provides in-depth score analysis after completing the full exam set.
The Score Analysis includes analysis of major and minor topics in each section that are still weaknesses for the student, allowing them to see their weaknesses in detail and work on them before the exam. Detailed solutions are also provided, allowing students to read and understand the questions they got wrong.
Each exam set includes:
- Digital SAT Math exams with 2 modules (Module 2 is adaptive based on ability)
- Detailed solutions by Ignite's Math academic team
- Each exam set can be taken up to 3 times for 6 monthsNote: The exam is the same as Ignite Digital SAT Math Mock Exam, Feb 2023
imock Digital SAT Math ชุดที่ 2ราคา790รหัสIGCP0002ชั่วโมง-ชั่วโมง +20%-ผู้สอนIgnite Academic Teamรายละเอียดคอร์ส
iMock is a Digital SAT exam simulation system from Ignite that includes timing during the exam and comprehensive features that mimic the real exam, allowing students to become familiar with the exam system as if they were in the real testing environment. It also helps them practice time management since the Digital SAT is a speed test.
The iMock system includes adaptive testing, which automatically selects the Module 2 exam set based on the student's score in Module 1. It also features an interface similar to the real exam system to help students become accustomed to it while practicing on their own. Additionally, it includes a Score Analysis system that provides in-depth score analysis after completing the full exam set.
The Score Analysis includes analysis of major and minor topics in each section that are still weaknesses for the student, allowing them to see their weaknesses in detail and work on them before the exam. Detailed solutions are also provided, allowing students to read and understand the questions they got wrong.
Each exam set includes:
- Digital SAT Math exams with 2 modules (Module 2 is adaptive based on ability)
- Detailed solutions by Ignite's Math academic team
- Each exam set can be taken up to 3 times for 6 monthsNote: The exam is the same as Full Test 1 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from February, April, and May 2023.
imock Digital SAT Math ชุดที่ 3ราคา790รหัสIGCP0003ชั่วโมง-ชั่วโมง +20%-ผู้สอนIgnite Academic Teamรายละเอียดคอร์ส
iMock is a Digital SAT exam simulation system from Ignite that includes timing during the exam and comprehensive features that mimic the real exam, allowing students to become familiar with the exam system as if they were in the real testing environment. It also helps them practice time management since the Digital SAT is a speed test.
The iMock system includes adaptive testing, which automatically selects the Module 2 exam set based on the student's score in Module 1. It also features an interface similar to the real exam system to help students become accustomed to it while practicing on their own. Additionally, it includes a Score Analysis system that provides in-depth score analysis after completing the full exam set.
The Score Analysis includes analysis of major and minor topics in each section that are still weaknesses for the student, allowing them to see their weaknesses in detail and work on them before the exam. Detailed solutions are also provided, allowing students to read and understand the questions they got wrong.
Each exam set includes:
- Digital SAT Math exams with 2 modules (Module 2 is adaptive based on ability)
- Detailed solutions by Ignite's Math academic team
- Each exam set can be taken up to 3 times for 6 monthsNote: The exam is the same as Full Test 2 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from February, April, and May 2023.
imock Digital SAT Math ชุดที่ 4ราคา790รหัสIGCP0004ชั่วโมง-ชั่วโมง +20%-ผู้สอนIgnite Academic Teamรายละเอียดคอร์ส
iMock is a Digital SAT exam simulation system from Ignite that includes timing during the exam and comprehensive features that mimic the real exam, allowing students to become familiar with the exam system as if they were in the real testing environment. It also helps them practice time management since the Digital SAT is a speed test.
The iMock system includes adaptive testing, which automatically selects the Module 2 exam set based on the student's score in Module 1. It also features an interface similar to the real exam system to help students become accustomed to it while practicing on their own. Additionally, it includes a Score Analysis system that provides in-depth score analysis after completing the full exam set.
The Score Analysis includes analysis of major and minor topics in each section that are still weaknesses for the student, allowing them to see their weaknesses in detail and work on them before the exam. Detailed solutions are also provided, allowing students to read and understand the questions they got wrong.
Each exam set includes:
- Digital SAT Math exams with 2 modules (Module 2 is adaptive based on ability)
- Detailed solutions by Ignite's Math academic team
- Each exam set can be taken up to 3 times for 6 monthsNote: The exam is the same as Full Test 4 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from February, April, and May 2023.
imock Digital SAT Math ชุดที่ 5ราคา790รหัสIGCP0005ชั่วโมง-ชั่วโมง +20%-ผู้สอนIgnite Academic Teamรายละเอียดคอร์ส
iMock is a Digital SAT exam simulation system from Ignite that includes timing during the exam and comprehensive features that mimic the real exam, allowing students to become familiar with the exam system as if they were in the real testing environment. It also helps them practice time management since the Digital SAT is a speed test.
The iMock system includes adaptive testing, which automatically selects the Module 2 exam set based on the student's score in Module 1. It also features an interface similar to the real exam system to help students become accustomed to it while practicing on their own. Additionally, it includes a Score Analysis system that provides in-depth score analysis after completing the full exam set.
The Score Analysis includes analysis of major and minor topics in each section that are still weaknesses for the student, allowing them to see their weaknesses in detail and work on them before the exam. Detailed solutions are also provided, allowing students to read and understand the questions they got wrong.
Each exam set includes:
- Digital SAT Math exams with 2 modules (Module 2 is adaptive based on ability)
- Detailed solutions by Ignite's Math academic team
- Each exam set can be taken up to 3 times for 6 monthsNote: The exam is the same as Full Test 5 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from February, April, and May 2023.
imock Digital SAT Math ชุดที่ 6ราคา790รหัสIGCP0006ชั่วโมง-ชั่วโมง +20%-ผู้สอนIgnite Academic Teamรายละเอียดคอร์ส
iMock is a Digital SAT exam simulation system from Ignite that includes timing during the exam and comprehensive features that mimic the real exam, allowing students to become familiar with the exam system as if they were in the real testing environment. It also helps them practice time management since the Digital SAT is a speed test.
The iMock system includes adaptive testing, which automatically selects the Module 2 exam set based on the student's score in Module 1. It also features an interface similar to the real exam system to help students become accustomed to it while practicing on their own. Additionally, it includes a Score Analysis system that provides in-depth score analysis after completing the full exam set.
The Score Analysis includes analysis of major and minor topics in each section that are still weaknesses for the student, allowing them to see their weaknesses in detail and work on them before the exam. Detailed solutions are also provided, allowing students to read and understand the questions they got wrong.
Each exam set includes:
- Digital SAT Math exams with 2 modules (Module 2 is adaptive based on ability)
- Detailed solutions by Ignite's Math academic team
- Each exam set can be taken up to 3 times for 6 monthsNote: The exam is the same as Full Test 6 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from February, April, and May 2023.
imock Digital SAT Math ชุดที่ 7ราคา790รหัสIGCP0007ชั่วโมง-ชั่วโมง +20%-ผู้สอนIgnite Academic Teamรายละเอียดคอร์ส
iMock is a Digital SAT exam simulation system from Ignite that includes timing during the exam and comprehensive features that mimic the real exam, allowing students to become familiar with the exam system as if they were in the real testing environment. It also helps them practice time management since the Digital SAT is a speed test.
The iMock system includes adaptive testing, which automatically selects the Module 2 exam set based on the student's score in Module 1. It also features an interface similar to the real exam system to help students become accustomed to it while practicing on their own. Additionally, it includes a Score Analysis system that provides in-depth score analysis after completing the full exam set.
The Score Analysis includes analysis of major and minor topics in each section that are still weaknesses for the student, allowing them to see their weaknesses in detail and work on them before the exam. Detailed solutions are also provided, allowing students to read and understand the questions they got wrong.
Each exam set includes:
- Digital SAT Math exams with 2 modules (Module 2 is adaptive based on ability)
- Detailed solutions by Ignite's Math academic team
- Each exam set can be taken up to 3 times for 6 monthsNote: The exam is the same as Full Test 7 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from February, April, and May 2023.
imock Digital SAT Math ชุดที่ 8ราคา790รหัสIGCP0008ชั่วโมง-ชั่วโมง +20%-ผู้สอนIgnite Academic Teamรายละเอียดคอร์ส
iMock is a Digital SAT exam simulation system from Ignite that includes timing during the exam and comprehensive features that mimic the real exam, allowing students to become familiar with the exam system as if they were in the real testing environment. It also helps them practice time management since the Digital SAT is a speed test.
The iMock system includes adaptive testing, which automatically selects the Module 2 exam set based on the student's score in Module 1. It also features an interface similar to the real exam system to help students become accustomed to it while practicing on their own. Additionally, it includes a Score Analysis system that provides in-depth score analysis after completing the full exam set.
The Score Analysis includes analysis of major and minor topics in each section that are still weaknesses for the student, allowing them to see their weaknesses in detail and work on them before the exam. Detailed solutions are also provided, allowing students to read and understand the questions they got wrong.
Each exam set includes:
- Digital SAT Math exams with 2 modules (Module 2 is adaptive based on ability)
- Detailed solutions by Ignite's Math academic team
- Each exam set can be taken up to 3 times for 6 monthsNote: The exam is the same as Full Test 10 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from February, April, and May 2023
imock Digital SAT Math and SAT RW ชุดที่ 1ราคา1,250รหัสIGCP0009ชั่วโมง-ชั่วโมง +20%-ผู้สอนIgnite Academic Teamรายละเอียดคอร์ส
iMock is a Digital SAT exam simulation system from Ignite that includes timing during the exam and comprehensive features that mimic the real exam, allowing students to become familiar with the exam system as if they were in the real testing environment. It also helps them practice time management since the Digital SAT is a speed test.
The iMock system includes adaptive testing, which automatically selects the Module 2 exam set based on the student's score in Module 1. It also features an interface similar to the real exam system to help students become accustomed to it while practicing on their own. Additionally, it includes a Score Analysis system that provides in-depth score analysis after completing the full exam set.
The Score Analysis includes analysis of major and minor topics in each section that are still weaknesses for the student, allowing them to see their weaknesses in detail and work on them before the exam. Detailed solutions are also provided, allowing students to read and understand the questions they got wrong.
Each exam set includes:
- A full set of Digital SAT exams with 2 modules per subject (Module 2 is adaptive based on ability)
- Detailed solutions by Ignite's academic team
- Each exam set can be taken up to 3 times for 6 monthsNote: The Math exam is the same as the Ignite Digital SAT Math Mock Exam from September 2023 and The R&W exam is the same as the Ignite Digital SAT R&W Mock Exam from July 2023
imock Digital SAT Math and SAT RW ชุดที่ 2ราคา1,250รหัสIGCP0010ชั่วโมง-ชั่วโมง +20%-ผู้สอนIgnite Academic Teamรายละเอียดคอร์ส
iMock is a Digital SAT exam simulation system from Ignite that includes timing during the exam and comprehensive features that mimic the real exam, allowing students to become familiar with the exam system as if they were in the real testing environment. It also helps them practice time management since the Digital SAT is a speed test.
The iMock system includes adaptive testing, which automatically selects the Module 2 exam set based on the student's score in Module 1. It also features an interface similar to the real exam system to help students become accustomed to it while practicing on their own. Additionally, it includes a Score Analysis system that provides in-depth score analysis after completing the full exam set.
The Score Analysis includes analysis of major and minor topics in each section that are still weaknesses for the student, allowing them to see their weaknesses in detail and work on them before the exam. Detailed solutions are also provided, allowing students to read and understand the questions they got wrong.
Each exam set includes:
- A full set of Digital SAT exams with 2 modules per subject (Module 2 is adaptive based on ability)
- Detailed solutions by Ignite's academic team
- Each exam set can be taken up to 3 times for 6 monthsNote: The Math exam is the same as the Ignite Digital SAT Math Mock Exam from April 2023 and The R&W exam is the same as the Ignite Digital SAT R&W Mock Exam from September 2023
imock Digital SAT Math and SAT RW ชุดที่ 3ราคา1,250รหัสIGCP0011ชั่วโมง-ชั่วโมง +20%-ผู้สอนIgnite Academic Teamรายละเอียดคอร์ส
iMock is a Digital SAT exam simulation system from Ignite that includes timing during the exam and comprehensive features that mimic the real exam, allowing students to become familiar with the exam system as if they were in the real testing environment. It also helps them practice time management since the Digital SAT is a speed test.
The iMock system includes adaptive testing, which automatically selects the Module 2 exam set based on the student's score in Module 1. It also features an interface similar to the real exam system to help students become accustomed to it while practicing on their own. Additionally, it includes a Score Analysis system that provides in-depth score analysis after completing the full exam set.
The Score Analysis includes analysis of major and minor topics in each section that are still weaknesses for the student, allowing them to see their weaknesses in detail and work on them before the exam. Detailed solutions are also provided, allowing students to read and understand the questions they got wrong.
Each exam set includes:
- A full set of Digital SAT exams with 2 modules per subject (Module 2 is adaptive based on ability)
- Detailed solutions by Ignite's academic team
- Each exam set can be taken up to 3 times for 6 monthsNote: The Math exam is the same as the Ignite Digital SAT Math Mock Exam from July 2023 and The R&W exam is the same as the Ignite Digital SAT R&W Mock Exam from November 2023
imock Digital SAT Math and SAT RW ชุดที่ 4ราคา1,250รหัสIGCP0012ชั่วโมง-ชั่วโมง +20%-ผู้สอนIgnite Academic Teamรายละเอียดคอร์ส
iMock is a Digital SAT exam simulation system from Ignite that includes timing during the exam and comprehensive features that mimic the real exam, allowing students to become familiar with the exam system as if they were in the real testing environment. It also helps them practice time management since the Digital SAT is a speed test.
The iMock system includes adaptive testing, which automatically selects the Module 2 exam set based on the student's score in Module 1. It also features an interface similar to the real exam system to help students become accustomed to it while practicing on their own. Additionally, it includes a Score Analysis system that provides in-depth score analysis after completing the full exam set.
The Score Analysis includes analysis of major and minor topics in each section that are still weaknesses for the student, allowing them to see their weaknesses in detail and work on them before the exam. Detailed solutions are also provided, allowing students to read and understand the questions they got wrong.
Each exam set includes:
- A full set of Digital SAT exams with 2 modules per subject (Module 2 is adaptive based on ability)
- Detailed solutions by Ignite's academic team
- Each exam set can be taken up to 3 times for 6 monthsNote: The Math exam is the same as Full Test 11 from the SAT Math 7 Days 11 Tests course, sessions from February, April, and May 2023.
Buy in 3 Easy Steps
วิธีการซื้อ Digital SAT Practice Test
เลือกชุดข้อสอบที่ต้องการ (Full Test 1-8)
กรอกรหัสคูปองเพื่อรับส่วนลด ก่อนกดยืนยันคำสั่งซื้อ (ในกรณีที่ซื้อมากกว่า 1 ชุด)
รับข้อสอบ และคู่มือการใช้งานทางอีเมล (ภายใน 3 วันทำการ)
สิทธิพิเศษสำหรับน้องๆ Ignite
- สำหรับการซื้อ 2 – 4 ชุด ใส่ Code IGCP01 เพื่อรับส่วนลด 10%
- สำหรับการซื้อ 5 – 6 ชุด ใส่ Code IGCP02 เพื่อรับส่วนลด 15%
- สำหรับการซื้อ 7 ชุด ใส่ Code IGCP03 เพื่อรับส่วนลด 20%
Digital SAT Self Practice จะช่วยน้องเตรียมสอบได้อย่างไร?
Digital SAT Self Practice เป็นระบบจำลองการสอบ Digital SAT ที่เสมือนระบบสอบจริงมากที่สุด มี Features ที่ครบถ้วนพร้อมระบบ Adaptive test ที่สามารถเลือกชุดข้อสอบให้น้องตามผลคะแนนใน Module1 มีระบบวิเคราะห์คะแนนสอบที่จะสามารถทำให้น้องเห็นจุดอ่อนและจุดแข็งของตัวเองได้ตามรายหัวข้อ เพื่อให้น้องได้นำไปพัฒนาการฝึกทำโจทย์ได้อย่างตรงจุดมากที่สุด
Digital SAT Self Practice และ Digital SAT Mock Exam ต่างกันอย่างไร?
1.Digital SAT Mock Exam เป็นการจำลองสถานการ์ณจริงกับชุดข้อสอบที่ Ignite ไม่เคยเปิดเผยที่ไหนมาก่อน และจะต้องสอบตามเวลาที่กำหนด
2.Digital SAT Self Practice เป็นระบบจำลองการสอบที่น้องสามารถสอบได้ทุกที่ ทุกเวลา กับชุดข้อสอบที่พบได้ที่ Ignite เท่านั้น
DIGITAL SAT Self Practice เหมาะกับใคร?
- เหมาะสำหรับน้องที่ไม่เคยเรียนกับIgnite มาก่อน และต้องการตะลุยโจทย์ใหม่ๆ ที่ไม่เคยเห็นที่ไหนมาก่อน และไม่ซ้ำใน Bluebook
- เหมาะสำหรับน้องที่ต้องการทราบรายละเอียดของพื้นฐานของน้องว่าน้องชำนาญเรื่องไหนแล้ว และมีเรื่องไหนที่น้องจะต้องทบทวนเพิ่มเติม
- เหมาะสำหรับน้องที่มีพื้นฐานใน SAT ครบทุกเนื้อหาแล้ว และต้องการตะลุยโจทย์เองในระบบเสมือนจริง
ซื้อ Digital SAT Self Practice อย่างไร?
- เลือกชุดข้อสอบที่ต้องการ
- กรอกรหัสคูปองเพื่อรับส่วนลด ก่อนกดยืนยันคำสั่งซื้อ (ในกรณีที่ซื้อมากกว่า 1 ชุด)
- รับข้อสอบ และคู่มือการมช้งานทางอีเมล (ภายใน 3 วันทำการ)
**ไม่สามารถคืนเงินหรือเปลี่ยนชุดข้อสอบได้ทุกกรณี กรุณาชุดข้อสอบก่อนกดยืนยันการสั่งซื้อ**
ข้อสอบ Digital SAT Self Practice มีให้ฝึกทั้งแบบ imock และ Workbook
- imock Digital SAT มีอายุการใช้งาน 6 เดือน
- Digital SAT Workbook ไม่มีหมดอายุ
น้องๆสามารถทำข้อสอบบนระบบ imock ได้สูงสุด 3 ครั้งต่อชุด แต่ถ้าเป็น workbook น้องสามารถฝึกได้หลายรอบตามความต้องการ
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